Henge: Mood 2012
A simple question is our starting point in thinking about this collection, giving us food for thought and setting us free from any misconception created by the style, preconcepts, ideas and fashion waves on the market.
To choose what we will share our homes with is a difficult task for the right balance between the mind, the mere functionality and the heart which brings our sense of beauty and passion into play. Such choices must necessarily reflect our personal feelings and provoke the same pleasure day after day.
We have thought of objects that are very different from each other in terms of design approach, type and materials used. Sometimes worlds apart from each other, they can live well together and enter freely into many homes incorporating different styles to become strong elements that break with routine.
The objects are free from the obsession that they must fit to a certain style, deliberately denying mannerisms and formalisms. The collection is made up of heterogeneous pieces, visionary protagonists of the domestic scene.